Two delightful baby rabbits spent the day in the classroom before heading off to their new home. Baby rabbits need names, of course, and it is the solemn duty of teachers, just as it is the solemn duty of older brothers, to horrify children as often as possible. So, we named the rabbits after ways to cook rabbit, inspired by Elmer Fudd: Fricassee and Rotisserie (the one pictured here is Fricassee).
Elmer Fudd: Got you, you wabbit stew, you. Bugs Bunny: Look, Doc. Are you looking for trouble? I'm not a stewing rabbit. I'm a fricasseeing rabbit. I had to look up Fricassee, and it turns out, Bugs Bunny is even funnier than I thought. Fricassee is a way of stewing meat in gravy. A fricasseeing rabbit is a stewing rabbit.
After a student had been cuddling with Rotisserie for a while, she very innocently asked me what Rotisserie meant. I told her it meant "to skewer on a spit and roast slowly." The absolutely appalled look on her face was priceless.
We also found this recipe for Bunny Burgers, and left it casually displayed on the computer screen.
Of course, these rabbits are not going to be eaten. They're pets, and the students know that. But it's fun, for just a little while, to evoke their protective instincts and the most indignant expressions they can muster. Fricassee and Rotisserie are sisters, and they like nothing more than to cuddle with each other in the corner of their cage (soon to be a deluxe hutch), usually with Fricassee serving as the mattress. 3/13/2011 08:37:02 am
What a funny rabbit tale. I find the names just delightful. I think bunnies make great pets. We had one that ended up weighing about 25 pounds and lived for six years!! Someone had let it go in the UPS parking lot where my friend was a driver...obviously, a discarded adult pet rabbit. Al gave it to us and my three sons loved it. I was horribly allergic to the rabbit, though. I couldn't cuddle with him, unless I had on long sleeves and, after playing, I immediately had to scrub my hands. 3/13/2011 11:14:12 am
They are adorable rabbits! I sure hope no decides to act out their names, lol. I love the first shot! 3/13/2011 12:19:23 pm
baby rabbits are so cute and I like your closeup of the soft furry nose 3/13/2011 10:03:43 pm
Awwwwwwwwwwww, photos like this melt my heart!! Precious. 3/15/2011 04:00:18 am
Really nice shots! Comments are closed.
May 2021